Deputy Principal’s Message

Dear families,

As you may know, our newly appointed Teaching and Learning Co-ordinator, Mrs Emel Yanilmaz, has been diligently working with staff and the college towards improving our curriculum and the way curriculum is carried out in classes. I would like to thank her for her hard work, professionalism, and dedication towards her work.

I want to take this opportunity to also thank all our staff and students for their hard work and effort during NAPLAN assessments. As you know, NAPLAN tests identify whether all students have the literacy and numeracy skills that provide the critical foundation for their learning, and for their productive and rewarding participation in the community. Students are assessed using common national tests in reading, writing, language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. I trust that all of our students have tried their best.

Our school captains, student representative council, and the newly created ‘Bully Buster Care Team by 4A, is working towards making our school a safer place. I am proud of them working towards a no bully zone that is safe for all. If your child or any student you know is not feeling safe or is having friendship issues, encourage them to speak up to their teacher. Alternatively, we have a ‘Voice Box’ in all campuses which students can leave anonymous information for us to go through.

Sirius College enforces a zero tolerance to bullying and we expect to work in partnerships with our parents/guardians and families, to combat any issues that may arise. Thank you for your ongoing support and cooperation.

Mrs. Nazan Zengin
Deputy Principal